
The new fourth edition of Television has been released. Click here for further information or to order a copy. Examination copies are available for instructors considering adoption.
Overview arrow Resources

Most of the resources associated with the third edition of Television have been updated and moved to the companion Website for the new, fourth edition:

However, the following third-edition resouces remain online, although they will no longer be updated.

  • Illustrations
    • Each one of the book's illustrations (frame grabs, diagrams), but larger and in color. May be downloaded for educational use.
  • Frame-Grab Tutorial
    • How to capture frames from video. Includes instructions on importing video into your computer and how to incorporate video clips into Web pages. Windows and Mac computers
  • Frame-Grab Tutorial: High Definition
    • An addition to the above tutorial explains how to work with high-definition video.
  • Clip-DVD Tutorial (Mac)
    • Step-by-step instructions on how to quickly assemble a simple DVD of TV/film clips for classroom use. Mac computers only.
© 2011 Television: Critical Methods and Applications